a fig for care, a fig for woe!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

daily stream 6-15-08

The blue grey disc described a counter-intuitive arc as the wind caught it and spun it hard to the right - directly into the fluttering embrace of a tall sycamore. A few branches and leaves fell softly into the drain creek below, but... nothing more. Alas, poor Reaper! Will you forever remain aloft, only revealed annually by your captor's winter defoliation, like a Pompeian skeleton clutching a beloved toy? Or will you only briefly be beholden to your arboreal host, merely biding your time until a strong enough bluster and lucky enough traveler team up to put you back into play? However temporarily, your seed has been sown and the next time you blossom it will be for another. And if they throw anything like your old companion, the process will repeat itself fairly shortly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

chuck a rock at 'er bra.