a fig for care, a fig for woe!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Got that Greenhouse Gas

We watched 3:10 to Yuma last night. Overall the movie was about a 3 out of 5. The acting, scenery, and action scenes were great but some of the character motivations were a little hard to buy. Bale and Crowe both did a great job, and there were some amusing cameos I wasn't expecting.

I've been devouring the fourth season of The Wire, just an incredible show that gets better with every episode. The stories are so delicious, with awesome sets and scores of addictive characters. All their personal dramas are more amateur and realistic than cliché and gravy boat dramatic (as seen in the nevertheless classic Yawn and Order series). This season you get close up with Marlow's main muscle Snoop and Chris (I fucking love the way those two talk), the mayoral candidate Carcetti, as well as a shitload of more great Omar adventures. Tony told me the first episode of the currently airing final fifth season was excellent and I can't wait to finish up with the fourth and start down the long road into the sunset. It's really too bad it's ending; at least we got as many seasons as we did.

I watched some of Showtime's Dexter, a fairly enjoyable show. Every once in a while it seems too much like a hardcore premium cable variant of Monk, but I did find myself wanting to watch more after finishing the first two episodes. Netflix got me hooked with the watch-it-now and then all of a sudden it was unavailable for further viewing. I have to admit I'm probably too lazy and backlogged to actually rent it for watching on the TV, but maybe that says something about the actual quality of the program, too.

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